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The Wedding Planner (PG-13)

Look up "chick flick" in the dictionary, and you'll find a description of "The Wedding Planner" with Jennefer Lopez's photo right next to it. Not that there's anything wrong with chick flicks. When you're in the right mood, a good romantic comedy can be a lot of fun.

This one stars J-Lo as Mary, one of the best wedding planners in San Francisco. Although able to create romance for others, Mary has about given up on ever finding it for herself-at least until she's rescued from a rampaging trash dumpster by a good-looking doctor (Matthew McConaughey). At the urging of Mary's friend, the two share an unexpectedly romantic evening and dance in the park.

The bottom falls out, however, when Mary finds out the good Dr. Steve is the fiancée of a client (Bridgette Wilson-Sampras, recently wed herself to tennis star Pete Sampras). In fact, their wedding is the biggest account Mary has ever landed. Although furious with him, she can't give away that she knows him or she might lose the account that will make her a partner in her firm. Thus begins the back-and-forth, up-and-down relationship between Mary, Dr. Steve, and Fran, his betrothed. Will Mary and Steve get together? Or will Mary marry Massimo, the lovably goofy Italian man her father keeps pushing on her?

Yes, the movie is predictable (especially if you saw the preview-it gives away almost every twist of the plot). But I don't think lovers of romantic films will mind. If so, why would they watch the same movies over and over? This film is perfect for them. Lots of weddings. Good chemistry between the lovely Lopez and the dreamy McConaughey. A few nice laughs from the supporting cast. Horseback riding. Vineyards. Oh yeah, and dancing.

If that's your kind of thing, you'll love "The Wedding Planner." There's a little bad language and a little too much up-close-and-personal with a naked male statue, but no sex or nudity. In fact, I think the film could have been rated "PG." Mostly, the film is just light-hearted, lightweight fun.

Of course, if you're planning a wedding of your own, don't forget to include God in your plans. He's the number one reason marriages make it. As Psalm 127:1 says, "Unless the Lord builds the house, its builders labor in vain."

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